We’re offering an Build-Your-Own-And-Learn-How-It-Works workshop for the Everykey on Sunday October 14. 2012 at the Dingfabrik in Cologne!

In this workshop we’ll solder an Everykey development kit.

The Everykey board is a tiny prototyping and development board. It can be used to build USB peripherals, standalone applications or to simply have fun with a powerful embeded controller. SMD soldering seems challenging at first: the components are tiny! In this workshop we’ll show you it’s nowhere as difficult as you might think. Being able to solder SMD opens a whole new world of components to you that just aren’t available in the old, through-hole world, from more powerful microprocessors to mems gyrosensors.

While we’re soldering we’ll explain the functionality of all the parts in detail, you won’t be just be putting together a puzzle, but gain a full understanding of how the circuit works.

The board features a powerful 32-Bit, 72 MHz ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller, a full-speed USB port, a LED, a button and solder points for most of the processor’s pins. The design of the board and the SDK we’re developing is completely open source. Once it’s assembled it’s just as easy to work with as Arduino, just much more powerful.

Click here for Registration!

Expected Length: roughly 4 hours (open end)
Cost: €25, includes kit and all materials
No previous experience required
Tools: we’ll provide all necessary tools and equipment

People with glasses should bring a magnifying device compatible with their eyewear!

Dingfabrik Köln e.V.
Deutz-Mülheimer-Str. 129
51063 Köln-Mülheim

Incidentally, there will also be Introduction to Electronic Workshop at Dingfabrik the weekend before our workshop. We’re not associated with it, but it sounds fun.

Also, in case you’d like a similar workshop at your company christmas party or something, we are for sale!

2 thoughts on “Everykey SMD Workshop (Cologne, DE)

  1. Pingback: New Workshop in the Works: Arnhem « Everykey Blog

  2. Are your prototype boards available either as kits or as bare PCB boards for individual projects? If so, where can I get a few to work with?


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