Everykey goes International!

We’re currently planing to hold an SMD Soldering workshop during which you will build your own Everykey in The Netherlands at the hack42 in Arnhem. Apart from assembling an Everykey, we’ll discuss the entire design so you’ll learn what all the parts is good for and will provide a quick introduction to programming the device with our SDK . You can read a description of a previous workshop here in case you are interested and would like to learn more. We’ll be able to stick around all day, so we can go into more details than normally and hack a bit more.

If you are interested: the workshop will take place at the beginning of next year and we are currently trying to find a suitable date, you can help by filling out preferences:


Participation in the workshop will be around €35 (we’ll split our travel expenses among all the participants + €25 for parts and materials)

The workshop will be help in English (though we can answer questions in German and pretend Dutch!)

More info.

2 thoughts on “New Workshop in the Works: Arnhem

  1. Hi Dennis, yes, it was fun staying at your place. We both had long nights travelling afterwards because of the snow, but that was not your fault. In short: We enjoyed it very much. I hope that was not the last time we did that.


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