Cheapo CNC

It’s like Christmas in October at Everykey world headquarters! We received our modestly priced chinese CNC router yesterday, packed in an awesome wooden crate. It’s moderately priced because it only has a parallel port connection, but we’ll be changing that. Basically the entire controller mechanism consists of four Allegro A3977 Stepper Driver boards which we can control directly from the Everykey…

3 thoughts on “New Toy!

  1. Pingback: CNC Progress… « Everykey Blog

  2. Where did you buy the router from? looks compact and not that badly built – with minor modifications I think I could use one just like that.


  3. Hi Dan,

    we got it from Ebay. As mentioned, the spindle itself is not so great, but the basic mechanics are quite robust (and it was cheaper than buying the parts separately). Just search for “3040 cnc”, there are many different versions and many different prices (you can also get other sizes – 3020 and 6040)


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