A tragic tale of hardships and perils encoutered during the genesis of an embedded hardware platform is being told in current edition of c’t Hardware Hacks. (And will no doubt soon become a compelling motion picture). And guess who wrote it!
A tragic tale of hardships and perils encoutered during the genesis of an embedded hardware platform is being told in current edition of c’t Hardware Hacks. (And will no doubt soon become a compelling motion picture). And guess who wrote it!
I am working on Internet of things for my college project, was trying to build a smart home project as a hobby circuit and found this link online when I was searching for opensource ARM based prototyping boards!
I wanna know where I can get this board, I am from India and it will be really help full if you could send me the link for getting this board. Also I read your github page, I couldn’t find how to connect your board with the circuits (I mean is there any header pin connection or something). so can you please let me know about the connection parts too.