So we’ve been busy these last couple of days. Apart from our new toy (more on our progress with our CNC router soon!) we’ve hosted two workshops last weekend, totaling 16 Everykeys built. First workshop was on Saturday at the Elisabeth-von-Thüringen-Gymnasium in Cologne. It was incredibly fun to work together with a group of highly motivated young adults and we’re very anxious to find out what sort of things they’ll be building with the keys….
The second workshop was a public workshop at the Dingfabrik in Cologne:
unfortunately in a way, there was such high demand for the workshop that we couldn’t fit everybody in. More people ended up showing that had registered and it was quite a tight fit with 10 participants. Because of the waiting list, we’ll definitely be holding more workshops, including not just “solder your own” events, but also some more in depth programming workshops in which we’ll delve deeper into embedded programming. Send us a quick mail ( in case you’d like to be informed about future workshops, know of a good venue within a reasonable distance from Cologne or would like a “private” session at your school or company or just want to chat.
Thanks very much to all the great participants and the feedback you’ve provided!